A Guide
Initial Contact
Your first contact with me is important, as the old saying goes - first impressions count. I am a low volume provider, which means I don't see many clients, and that I am also very selective about the clientele that I do meet. I reject 80% of the enquiries that I receive, so ask yourself when reaching out to me, wether you are putting your best foot forward in your first enquiry. In a very short time, I will sum you up to see if you are someone I feel comfortable to meet.
Many private escorts have a preferred contact method, mine is text or email. It is important to follow my instructions to book, as this will be the best way you can reach me, and is the first step in my screening process. A text message or email that is polite and straightforward is appreciated. Simply introduce yourself, give your location as well as your preferred date, time and duration of the booking. Your first attempt to contact me may not always be successful, if at the time I am not available.
Remember that although some private escorts are available at short notice, I am generally not one of these ladies, and thus, pre-booking is best to avoid disappointment. Many of us have other jobs, and/or are studying as well as working in the adult industry.
Be respectful and courteous in your contact. The use of vulgar or offensive language will not impress me, and will lead to me blocking you without engaging at all. Do not try to negotiate my rates. This is offensive and disrespectful. Their are a large range of providers out there at all levels to suit all budgets. I have gone to an effort to make my information available to you through my advertising, and here on my website. Most ladies, including myself, find it a joy chatting to a new client who has already read my ad or website thoroughly before contacting me, so you can keep your questions to subjects that are not already covered in either location. If you are looking for a particular service or fantasy, please ensure that you confirm that I am able to provide this service prior to making a booking. Not all ladies offer all services and have their own individual boundaries. Please don't ask for services that I do not provide. Pushy language and asking for anything that is unavailable will not achieve the desired result. When making a booking, I will ask you for some personal details to confirm. This information must be taken for screening and security reasons, and is non-negotiable. My safety, security and privacy must be ensured in order for me to feel comfortable to meet with any new prospective client.
Preparing for our time together
Hygiene is very important to me. Please make an effort to look and smell your best. Its always nice for me to enjoy myself with you, as much as you enjoy yourself with me. My hygiene and presentation is always at 1000%, and I expect the same in return. Always be freshly showered, have a shave, clean your teeth, and make sure your fingernails are not long, dirty or sharp. If you wear cologne, apply it sparingly...If I am coming to visit you at your home or hotel, ensure to provide clean linen, and fresh towels. Tidy up a little, and make sure the bathroom is clean. I will be a guest in your personal space, and will appreciate your efforts.
In order for me to feel secure and relaxed, it is your responsibility to ensure that nobody else will be arriving while I am present. Should I feel unsafe or uncomfortable at any time, I will end your appointment and leave without hesitation, so please keep this in mind. When offering any kind of beverage, always present it in a sealed bottle and open it only in front of me.
If you are visiting me at my private incall or hotel, remember to be discrete. My privacy is as important as yours and must be respected. If you are unsure where you are going, don’t make it obvious. Discretely call and ask for directions, and make sure that nobody else can hear you. Please also keep this in mind when leaving my private incall or hotel. All independent escorts are different in their lifestyle and boundaries. Some will share a glass of wine with you, while others will not. Unless you know what I am comfortable with, drug and alcohol consumption should be very measured.
Being high or intoxicated has a very negative effect on sexual performance. You are paying for pleasure – not frustration – so don’t waste your own time.
Have the fee ready for me to hand over upon arrival. A common practise is to have the correct amount ready in an envelope, placed in an obvious location if I am visiting you, or ready to hand over upon meeting if visiting me. The beginning of a meeting usually involves a bit of friendly chat, to break the ice and develop a rapport. Most ladies are well known for their privacy and discretion. Be respectful of my boundaries, and do not ask personal questions. If I volunteer to share some personal information with you, do not take that as an invitation for you to probe further.
Be warm towards me, enjoy the conversation, and remember that a little bit of sense of humour goes a long way. This will make you feel relaxed, you will connect with me, and you are allowing time for me to connect with you. It may be short, but this time is important for developing chemistry, which prepares both of us for what is yet to come.
The Intimacy
This is the best part of the escort service! Let me take control, I know how to make you feel good. It can be fun to let you take control a little, but never get so carried away with sexual excitement that you overstep my boundaries. Please always be respectful. There will always be moments where you just can’t get enough of me, and you will want me to stay longer. If I have no other engagements, I might be able to extend your time. It is expected for payment to be made at the beginning of any extended time.
Future Contact
It's a nice gesture for a client to send a short email or text within a couple of days, thanking their companion for a lovely time. This is generally appreciated, and further builds rapport – but it must stay at that. It is important that you do not make frequent contact unless making a booking. If you invite me to stay the night, out for lunch, coffee, dinner, camping, or to go out socially, it is a booking and I must get paid.
Yes, I enjoy your company – but please do not forget this is a business arrangement.
Being with a private escort is a beautiful experience, and one to be savoured.
If you treat me well with the respect I deserve, I will be looking forward to seeing you again.
Can't wait to hear from you x